Understanding and Supporting Neurodiverse Trainees for ES/CS/SAS
Category: Educational/Clinical Supervisors - Established Trainers Courses
Date: September 19th 2024 9:20am until 3:30pm
Location: Zoom
Course ID: DT24-051
Associated Ladders of Learning:
- 9 - NEW Courses
- For more information please click here to find our Course Catalogue
The objective of this initiative is to promote understanding of neurodiversity among doctors, and to identify effective strategies for supporting both neurodiverse and neurotypical trainees and colleagues.
Defining Neurodiversity: Explore what the term “neurodiverse” means, and why it is important to embrace neurodiversity in healthcare settings
Overcoming Bias: Address the negative stereotypes that often surround neurodiversity and identify strategies for challenging these biases
Managing Triggers: How to recognize triggers that can lead to unhealthy behaviours, and how to mitigate their impact
Coaching Skills: Key areas such as self-care, calming techniques, time management, reducing procrastination, and enhancing communication, to help support their neurodiverse colleagues
Legal and Ethical Obligations: We will review the legal and ethical obligations that apply to all doctors, and how they can promote neurodiversity in their practice
Reasonable Adjustments: We will explore practical solutions for making reasonable adjustments to accommodate the needs of neurodiverse individuals in healthcare settings
Psychological Safety: We will emphasize the importance of creating a psychologically safe environment for all individuals, regardless of their neurodiversity status
Associate Dean Secondary Care, Associate DME, College/Specialty Tutor, Deputy Dean, DME, Dental Educational/Clinical Supervisor, Educational/Clinical Supervisor Secondary Care, HoS, SAS Doctor (Associate Specialist, Specialist, Speciality Doctor, Staff Grade, Tutor), TPD Secondary Care or Public Health Supervisor
Course Length:
This is a full day course, starting at 09:20 and finishing at 15:30.
Online via Zoom
Booking for these courses will be taken on MaxCourse, our online booking system.
Information about how to use MaxCourse can be found on our website.
Please email england.facultydevelopment.sw@nhs.net with any questions, before and on the day.