Confidence Training for Doctors in Training

Category: Training - Other

Date: April 17th 2024 9:30am until 4:30pm

Location: Zoom


Course ID: SW24-019


Associated Ladders of Learning:

  • Recent Addition
  • For more information please click here to find our Course Catalogue


This training enables you to feel more confident, comfortable and empowered as you engage with your work and your life more broadly.  

The course provides an opportunity for you to explore the theme of confidence in a safe environment. We will probe what confidence looks, sounds, feels and acts like. I will highlight key component parts of confidence and how they work, including how you may have been getting in your own way. Once you understand these mechanisms and how to apply them, you will have access to a toolkit which can significantly increase your inner comfort and assurance.  

You will be empowered to cultivate more self-acceptance and a positive self-view. You will learn how to ground yourself, when anxiety or agitation arises. Elevating your personal confidence will impact your effectiveness in all of your activities, and allow you to bring your unique strengths, both in work and outside of work. This training is liberating and uplifting. You have everything you need within you to experience greater confidence. 


  1. Understand the different personality types and how this can affect behaviour.
  2. Grounding and reducing anxiety

  3. Taking stock – your starting point and desired outcome.

  4. Embodying confident physiology

  5. From self-doubt to self-belief

  6. Healthy ways of relating to the external

  7. Recognising your value

  8. Taking action and stepping outside of comfort zones


CT1, CT2, ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4, ST5, ST6+, IMT1, IMT2, IMT3, or Public Health Trainee

Course Length:

This is a one day course starts at 09:30 and finishing at 16:30


Online via Zoom

Booking for these courses will be taken on MaxCourse, our online booking system.

Information about how to use MaxCourse can be found on our website.

Please email with any questions, before and on the day.