Supporting the Resilience of Trainees - FULLY BOOKED

Category: Educational/Clinical Supervisors - Established Trainers Courses

Date: June 13th 2019 9:30am until 4:30pm

Location: Plymouth Postgraduate Medical Centre (Seminar Room 1) PL6 8DH

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This one day workshop is designed to provide the necessary knowledge to help supervisors fully support and help trainees sustain a high level of psychological wellbeing, and to help them strengthen their resilience during their training period.

Trainees are expected to cope with and tolerate more challenges than most people during a gruelling period of training, during which they will experience isolation, uprooting, uncertainty combined with intensive, unremitting work over long hours, often with inadequate supporting systems. They are at high risk of anxiety, depression, burnout, stress, psycho-presenteeism and suicide.


  • Understanding psychological wellbeing and its importance

□        mental control and the ability to concentrate, mental distractions

□        the cultural environment

□        the need to feel psychologically well and how it impacts on productivity and performance

  • Risk factors that cause individuals to feel psychologically unwell and unable to perform effectively

□        Stress-strain continuum

□        Risk factors and how they can be prevented

  • The signs and symptoms of people feeling unwell

□        Stress and burnout

  • Understanding your trainee

□        The differences in people and the implication on tolerance of challenging situations and events.

□        Understanding the different generations

□        Building trust

  • Assessing the psychological wellbeing of your trainee

□        Explanation and use of GHQ12, the Vulnerability Scale, the Wellbeing and Performance at Work questionnaire.

  • Assessing yourself as a good supervisor

□        The Quick Leadership Q and the Fabulous Leader questionnaire

  • Your role in the psychological wellbeing of your trainee

□        Trust, relationships, motivation and provoking your trainee to feel well

□        Creating an environment of psychological safety

  • The framework that Supervisors can use to help their trainee

□        Identity; Psychological Responsibility; Sharing Responsibility; Responsible Management

  • Developing and adopting a Code for Supervisors

□        Discuss the utility of a Code and what it would contain

  • Your role in the resilience of your trainee

□        Techniques for self-awareness; over-coming challenges and chaotic situations; knowing and reinforcing personal values; techniques for remaining calm, time management, problem solving and interaction with others.



  • Give supervisors a greater understanding of their role in the psychological wellbeing of trainees, and how this role manifests itself in the interaction between supervisor and trainee.
  • Provide supervisors with a framework, tools and exercises to help develop the resilience of their trainee.
  • Equip supervisors with the knowledge to feel comfortable in supporting their trainee in sustaining a high level of psychological wellbeing throughout their training.
  • Help supervisors understand and establish the level of trust necessary for an exchange of genuine feelings.
  • Help supervisors eliminate of any culture of fear that may exist, for example, fear of the consequences of showing or demonstrating any ‘weaknesses’.
  • Help supervisors understand the impact and differences of the experiences of today’s trainees.
  • Understanding that the ability of individuals to strengthen their self-sufficiency is influenced by their personality type, as much as by the support they need from someone they trust.


This workshop is intensive with a substantial amount of content. Techniques and may be unfamiliar to supervisors, or they may feel are common sense but they are not common practice. An open mind is required!

The programme will be accompanied by a Guide which will double as a workbook and an aid to reinforcement and embedding the learning.


To book a place please email Peninsula Faculty Team. When emailing please confirm the event title and the date you are interested in attending, along with your GMC/GDC number.